Apologies for the late post this week. Was unsure which Italian insurrectionary anarchist texts would best suit the request for writings representative of that tendency which was made last week. I know we discussed selections from Canenero but in trying to select some, none really seemed to fit the bill for introductory material, which hopefully the following pieces will. I think Alfredo Bonanno’s “Why Insurrection?”does a decent job of distilling some of the primarily theoretical and practical moves that are salient here — at least as well as a few other texts of his might do, while being shorter than the other options. As a brief addendum on the organizational question, let’s also read “Informal Organization”. I think together these two do a decent job introducing much that is central to the Italian insurrectionary tendency.
Let’s make those two texts the “official” reading (meaning everything from here on is strictly optional) but for anyone who wants a general historical overview to situate the period of Italian struggles which insurrectionary anarchism and autonomist marxism developed out of, you might also give “A few notes on the revolutionary movement in Italy” and “Armed Struggle in Italy 1976-78”a look. And for our new participants who requested this topic, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include two pivotal texts associated with this flavor of anarchism: “Armed Joy” and “At Daggers Drawn”. We’ve read both in this group many times, but they’re both worth regularly returning to and reconsidering.
See you all Tuesday!