Reading for 3/23

Clarifying the Unique & Its Self-Creation: An Introduction to Stirner’s Critics, by Jason McQuinn


Clarifying the Unique audio part 1 on Immediatism

Clarifying the Unique audio part 2 on Immediatism

For anybody who’s interested in reading a more contemporary critique of Stirner, here is a pamphlet against Stirner and individualism written by some anarchists recently. might be a nice addendum to this week’s piece:

Entanglement: On Anarchism and Individualism

Another potential supplement for this week’s reading, this one much shorter and with a far better grasp of Stirner than the pamphlet above. Check it out if you’ve already read the intro to Critics and are looking for something to ponder before tonight’s conversation.

Ricardo Baldissone – “Not for Understanding but for Cutting: Breaking out of the Western Conceptual Straitjacket with Stirner”