Reading for 7/4

This Tuesday, Étienne de la Boétie’s Discourse on Voluntary Servitude. Comes in a little edition from the Mises Institute (lol) with an intro by Murray Rothbard (ack). If you’re into swamps, feel free to tread into that one. Otherwise just read the Discourse, which begins on pp. 39.

Reading for 6/27

Caveat lector: this week’s reading will be a bit longer than usual so that the contingent we’ve had the last few weeks can read this text together before one of us goes out of town. It comprises about 65 pages, so allow yourself sufficient time to read the entirety of Gustav Landauer’s “Revolution” (pp. 110-175).

Reading for 6/6

Tuesday, another reading delving into how the radically alien can help us discern ourselves: Vilém Flusser’s Vampyroteuthis Infernalis. We’ll discuss sections I & II, “Octopi” and “The Genesis of the Vampyroteuthis”. Hope to see you there.