Reading for 11/15

More from that beloved megalomaniac, Pierre Klossowski next week. His essay “Living Currency” (pp. 45-77) gets the reckoning. Toodle-oo!

The 2022 BASTARD Conference will take place this Saturday, November 19, from 11am-8pm at The Long Haul Infoshop (3124 Shattuck Ave in Berkeley, CA). For the twentieth year, we will convene for an afternoon of presentations and discussions about anarchy and anarchism, by anarchists. Our theme this year will be “Headless Action”. Join us for a day of convivial exchanges about the beautiful idea!

Reading for 10/5

Taking a break from Klossowski next week to revisit the writing of our erstwhile attendee Alejandro de Acosta. From his collection of essays The Impossible, Patience (so very worth reading in its entirety), we’re gonna look at “To Acid-Words”. The page count on this one might seem excessive but, before ya balk, note that the layout makes each page more like a half page. Til Tuesday!

Reading for 9/14

Next week, we will dip our toes into the sordid drip of Pierre Klossowski’s The Baphomet before deciding whether to complete it in weeks to come. Peruse the introductions if you like, but our discussion will center around the novel’s Prologue, which runs from pp. 5-37. As always, page numbers refer to those printed in the text, not the numbering of the digital file. Had a blast playing surrealist games with you all. Until next time… anon!