Games for 9/6

Tomorrow night we’re going to forego a reading and instead play some surrealist games, drawing from Alaistair Brotchie’s A Book of Surrealist Games. We’ll have a few selected that seem especially conducive to a group like ours and will provide the necessary supplies, but feel free to look through the text and pick out any that interest you, as well as bring any art supplies or other materials you think might enhance the play. See you soon!

Reading for 8/30

Next week, join us as we take a look at some excerpts from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Nature. We’ll discuss Chapters IV (“Language”) and V (“Discipline”).  Hope to see you there — stay fierce!

Reading for 8/9

More by Walter Benjamin this Tuesday. From One-Way Street and Other Writings, we will discuss “To the Planetarium” (pp. 103), “On Language as Such and on the Language of Man” (pp. 107), and “Surrealism: The Last Snapshot of the European Intelligentsia” (pp. 225). Can’t wait to go over these with you — until then!