Join us next week as we start Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy. We’ll read the preface and sections 1-5. Hope to see you there.
Category Archives: General
Reading for 6/21
On Tuesday we will conclude our reading of Georges Bataille’s On Nietzsche by discussing the last two sections of the Diary. In the interest of not splitting sections in twain or spending an entire week on the “Epilogue”, this week’s reading will be a bit longer than the previous ones. Accordingly, please give yourself enough time to read about 40 pp. of this dense work.
Our reading begins at pp. 121 with “The Times (June-July 1944)” and ends on pp. 162 at the conclusion of “Epilogue (August 1944)”. Several appendices and the Memorandum remain for those who wish to continue engaging with this captivating text, but our collective journey through & with it ends this week.
Reading for 6/14
More On Nietzsche, this week discussing the chapter “April-June 1944: The Position of Chance”.
Reading 6/7
Sorry about the late post this week, I plum forgot what with the book fair and all! Tonight we’ll continue to discuss Bataille’s On Nietzsche as we look at the first section of the Diary – “The ‘Teacup’, ‘Zen’, and the Beloved”.
Reading for 5/31
Pushing forward with Georges Bataille’s On Nietzsche, we’ll look at Part 2 — “Summit and Decline”. Til then, stay fierce.
Reading for 5/24
Next week we’re starting Georges Bataille’s On Nietzsche. We’ll ponder the Preface and Part 1: Mr. Nietzsche. See you then.
Reading for 5/17
Next time we’ll read Max Cafard’s Surre(gion)alist Manifesto. To wit, the title chapter and “Nietzsche and the Post-Mortem Condition”. Stay fierce!
Reading for 5/10
This week we’re finishing our engagement with Antonin Artaud’s Heliogabalus, or, The Crowned Anarchist by reading the back half of Part 3: “Anarchy” (bottom of pg. 91 – end). If you’re considering attending the group but haven’t been there for our past readings of this text, don’t let that stop you! We digress often, and how.
Reading for 5/3
Next week, we’ll discuss about half of the final chapter, “Anarchy”, in Artaud’s Heliogabalus, or, The Crowned Anarchist. That’s from pg. 65 to about halfway down pg. 91, stopping after “he partakes of their powers”. See ya Tuesday!
Reading for 4/26
Chapter 2 of Antonin Artaud’s Heliogabalus, or, The Crowned Anarchist will be our reading for next week. ssssssssssssssssspt.