Reading for 10/31

Next week we’ll start Lorraine Perlman’s memoir on the life of Fredy Perlman — Having Little, Being Much. We’ll go through roughly the first half of the book, stopping at “Eight: Detroit” on pp. 43.

BASTARD Conference is two weeks from this Saturday! Get me your final presentation descriptions as soon as you’re able! <3

Reading for 10/24

We were set to read a few essays by Baudelaire tomorrow but Anika won’t be able to make it, so we’ll probably push that back til next week. Without any other prospects that come to mind, I’m going to put forward an essay by Foucault which came up in preparing my BASTARD presentation for this year. “The Subject and Power” begins on pp. 208.

A little more than two weeks til BASTARD. Would be nice if all presenters could make it the next three weeks so we can discuss some matters related to the event.

Reading for 10/10

We’re going to do one of our periodic movie nights this Tuesday with the 2022 Lucio Urturbia biopic A Man of Action. We’ll watch it together, so no need to do anything in advance; just show up, bring snacks, maybe a more comfortable chair if you feel the need, and we’ll enjoy a spot of fun and color together.

We are also nearly one month from the 2023 BASTARD Conference. If you would like to present, please let us know by tomorrow either by email or at the study group. Looking forward to an excellent year of conversations on Saturday, November 11th at the Omni Commons!

Reading for 10/3

Our discussion of the Spanish Civil War will conclude tomorrow night with some passages from Antony Beevor’s The Battle for Spain. We’ll look at pp. 106-114, bottom of 123-126, bottom of 204-207, middle of 256-273, 294-296, bottom of 302-309, 388-397, and middle of 430-432. Watch the final two parts of the Granada documentary as well if you can. ‘Til then…

Reading for 8/12

Next week, we’ll kick off a four week exploration of anarchist struggles in the Spanish Civil War with Lawrence Jarach facilitating our discussions. For our first session, please read the first two chapters of Gabriele Ranzato’s The Spanish Civil War (pp. 8-49) and watch the first two episodes of the Granada documentary of the same name. Hope to see you there!